Natural Runner 2 All Black

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3 490 Kč
Kategorie: Barefoot obuv

Chcete při běhu zažívat přirozený pocit svobody? Sáhněte po 2. vylepšené kolekci běžeckých barefoot bot Natural Runner 2 a vychutnejte si maximální pohodlí.
Skvělá volba pro každého milovníka běhání, který už nechce, aby jej z nepadnoucí obuvi bolely nohy.

Vyvinuto společně s Matyášem Kozmou, předním českým lektorem Přirozeného pohybu, a ručně ušito v Evropské unii.


  • Lepší konstrukce oproti 1. generaci modelu –⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ bota mnohem lépe drží na chodidle
  • Vyrobeno z kůže a síťoviny AirNet 
  • Síťovina AirNet je prodyšná, odvádí pot a je velmi odolná proti oděru
  • Podrážka 4 mm –⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ neklouzavá, velmi flexibilní a zároveň odolná
  • Speciální vkládací stélka 4 mm –⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ optimální kombinace, výsledek 3 let vývoje. Je flexibilní, ale tlumí dopady, simuluje chůzi v přírodě, jako byste běželi po lesní cestě
  • Ideální tvar –⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ nejširší v prstech


  1. Svršek: Hladká kůže + síťovina AirNet
  2. Podšívka: Síťovina AirNet
  3. Podrážka: Pryž


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LH Avatar autora | 11.3.2025
Jsem velmi spokojená, chůze a běh jako v peřince. Doporučuji.
KL Avatar autora | 11.3.2025
Very Satisfied
AS Avatar autora | 5.3.2025
Pohodlý pro nohy, které jsem dlouho neměl. Musí se člověk naučit v nich chodit, ale to je maličkost.
AL Avatar autora | 11.2.2025
Very good shoes, my toes are happy that they fit whiteout and pain. Comfortable and god looking 😃
CM Avatar autora | 5.2.2025
Very good shoes. The insole (or plan) shape of the shoe is superb. The heel and instep 'waist' are snug, whilst the roomy toe box allows for toe activation and splay. Materials and construction quality are good. The outsole is grippy with good flexibility and feel, whilst still providing protection and durability. The insole length from the size chart is accurate and the best way to order the correct size shoe. I wear a size 45 in the Lems Primal 3, whilst from the chart I ordered a size 44 in the Realfoot Natural Runner 2 - it is the perfect length. 'Volume'/height in the shoe is insufficient for my particular foot. I have a nice mid/high arch to my foot and find the slope of the saddle area from the vamp to the ankle is too flat (it seems designed for a flat footed/low volume foot). Likewise the heel counter and collar around the ankle are definitely too low for me. For my foot, the collar needs to be at least 1 cm higher at the heel and top of the saddle, and 1.5cm higher on the sides. Overall, the wide toe box is Nirvana for my foot, materials and construction are good, but I would like greater instep volume and a higher collar on the shoe. I will buy more Realfoot shoes!
QD Avatar autora | 14.1.2025
These are the widest toebox shoes I have found, and they fit my duckfeet really well. I also didn't follow the sizing guidance, and simply went with my regular size of 42 (for my 25.5 cm long feet). I haven't tried it yet, but I may even be able to wear toe splays in these shoes. I will see how durable they are, but they have been great so far.
JH Avatar autora | 13.1.2025
Top botky
Avatar autora | 3.12.2024
I have a very wide forefoot and have always struggled finding shoes that fit my footshape. These are the first shoes I have ever owned where none of my toes press against the sides of the shoe. In other barefoot shoes I've tried, my big toe had enough room, but my small toes were still always squished. I also have bad bunions on both feet, on both sides, and they just touch the edges without being crushed. At the same time, my narrower heel and midfoot are able to be held securely. These have become my everyday shoes, and nothing else feels comfortable anymore. I wish I could break the bank and order more. For the sizing, I recommend just measuring the insole of a shoe you like the lengthwise fit of and ordering the same sized based on the chart provided by Realfoot without adding length. This worked perfectly for me. Based on their sizing suggestion, even adding 1.2 cm, I would have gotten a much smaller shoe than I prefer.
FN Avatar autora | 27.11.2024
Včera mně přišly a dneska jsem v nich v (51 letech), zaběhl svůj první maratón v životě. Bez jediného puchýře, nebo jiného problému. Jsou prostě skvělý 👍
JN Avatar autora | 23.11.2024
Awesome shoes! I just wish there was an extra wide option similar to Softstars Primal Shoes. They're not quite as wide as I'd like them to be.
FG Avatar autora | 18.11.2024
Son muy cómodos. Tengo el pie muy ancho y son los únicos que no me aprietan. Volveré a comprar más modelos de ésta marca. Muchas gracias por hacer zapatos para pies anchos.
PN Avatar autora | 15.11.2024
Naprosto úžasné sportovní boty, které jsem kdy měla. Bez zkoušení mi jdou líp než některé barefoot bity, které jsem si koupila po vyzkoušení v kamenném obchodě. Už se těším, až je budu nosit ven. Standardně kupuji barefoot boty s vnitřní délkou stélky 25,9 cm. Zde jsem zvolila velikost 39 (25,5 cm) a sedí opravdu perfektně. Oceňuji opravdu velký prostor na prsty a tvar, který perfektně sedí na chodidle.
MB Avatar autora | 10.9.2024
Najúžasnejšie tenisky, aké som si kedy kúpila. Odhodlavala som sa na ne mesiace, ale som neskutočne rada, ze som do toho išla. Na barefoot som prešla pred vyše rokom, ale všetky barefoot značky, co som doteraz skúsila, mi stále boli tesne a topánky ma vždy tlačili na malickoch na nohe. Toto sú prvé topánky asi v mojom živote, ktoré mi sedia a sú pohodlné, ďakujem.
AH Avatar autora | 1.8.2024
Zatím jsem s botami velmi spokojená. Hezky vypadají na noze, nikde netlačí, dobře se v nich chodí. V oblasti prstů jsou až moc široké, při první procházce jsem párkrát trošku zakopla, ale za krátko jsem si zvykla. Opravdu mám tedy jistotu, že žádný prst nebude otlačený :-). Chystám se je zatížit na několikadenní túře, pravděpodobně i v nepříznivém počasí, tak doufám, že vydrží.
VC Avatar autora | 12.7.2024
I had to resell the shoes because they did not fit and Realfoot does not accept returns from the United States. I ordered a 42 which would normally be roomy on me, but my big toes were touching the end. In addition, the width in the toes did not help with my Taylor’s bunion (pinky toe) because the midfoot was still pretty narrow. I think my toes are too sloped for this toe box. I will say the shoes were good quality and comfortable. They would work with both high and low volume feet.
DD Avatar autora | 11.7.2024
I have been wearing these shoes for the past two months, and they are the best I have ever owned. I read the reviews of their previous natural runners, and most of them said that it needed to be improved and wasn't tightened. I was on doubt about purchasing it, but when they surprised me by announcing these new shoes, I placed my preorder right away. I'm in love with the color and design when it arrived. Based on the reviews, I could tell that they had made improvements, and it gave me great satisfaction to know that they genuinely value their customers. I'm also glad I got the all-black shoes since you can wear them for corporate duties in addition to your daily life. Being incredibly cozy and tight for walking in the forest and working out, it kept my feet dry during the heavy rain. I recall that during the first week, I had some admirers of my shoes. You won't regret buying it, as I highly recommend it.
IH Avatar autora | 25.6.2024
Konečně prostor pro mé extra široké a dle vyjádření prodavačky v BF prodejně neobutelné nohy. Moje nejširší místo je sice v kloubech, ale můj vždy utiskovaný malíček je nadšen. Nosím BF 8 let, Joe Nimble, Ahinsa byly fajn, ale teď po úrazu malíčku mi přišly do cesty Realfoot právě včas.
J Avatar autora | 12.6.2024
Skvělé boty, mám vbočené palce, širokou nohu, vysoký nárt a do bot jsem vklouzl jako nic. Takovou pohodu moje nohy v žádných botách zatím nezažily. Jsou lehké a prodyšné. Prostě sedí. Mám i zimní farmářky od vás a od té doby se mi doslova změnil život. Kvalita zpracování na jedničku. Děkuji.
L Avatar autora | 6.6.2024
This is my absolute favorite pair of shoes so far. I was looking so long for a shoe that prioritizes toe space, and I’m so happy I found it. I use my pair as an everyday wear, and they are perfect. Can’t wait to try other models.
H Avatar autora | 31.5.2024
Superb shoes that are the most minimalist yet comfortable that I have worn. They allow ample space for toes to splay and this year's iteration seems to have the eyestays a bit more separated than version 1. This allows for more accommodation with the tightening and loosening of shoelaces, which means it can fit low to high volume feet. I wear them without the insole to have optimal flexion and ground feel. I believe RealFoot has made such a gem of a shoe. Going forward, they should work on the finish of the footbed of the shoe, only seen when you remove the insole. I am a bit concerned that with use the footbed could experience wear and tear and i believe it can be made to look more aesthetically pleasing. This shoe has strengthened my toes and foot muscles in only a couple of weeks! Please make them in all-white! An all-white version would certainly be a best seller!
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Z Avatar autora 5.3.2025 06:17
Dobry den. Zvladnu tieto topanky aj mokre pocasie ked sa naimpregnuju? Dakujem