Natural Runner 2 Blue and Silver

Enjoy sports to the fullest with shoes that provide ample space for your toes. The second generation of enhanced breathable sneakers fits perfectly on the foot and effectively wicks away sweat, thanks to the functional mesh.


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Category: Barefoot shoes
Experience the natural feeling of freedom while running with the 2nd improved collection of Natural Runner 2 barefoot running shoes and enjoy maximum comfort.

A great choice for any running enthusiast who no longer wants their feet to hurt from ill-fitting shoes.

Developed in collaboration with Matyáš Kozma, a leading Czech lecturer of Natural Movement, and hand-sewn in the European Union.

  • Improved construction compared to the 1st generation model - the shoe fits much better on the foot
  • Made of leather and AirNet mesh
  • AirNet mesh is breathable, sweat-wicking and highly abrasion resistant
  • 4 mm outsole - non-slip, very flexible but durable
  • Special 4mm insole - the optimal combination, the result of 4 years of development. It is flexible but shock-absorbing, simulates walking in nature, for example on a forest path
  • Special shape - widest in the toes

Upper: Smooth leather + mesh
Lining: Mesh
Sole: Rubber


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VD Avatar of author | 20/02/2025
Super pohodlné
PJ Avatar of author | 02/12/2024
Boty mám zatím jen krátce a uvidím, jak se mi osvědčí. Nicméně poskytují doopravdy velkorysý prostor pro nohy a hlavně pro prsty! Je to doopravdy, jak chodit bos. Akorát s výhodou ochrany nohy.
Avatar of author | 19/11/2024
Ahoj.botky my přišli včera a hned jsem je musel zkusit v práci a pak cestou domů.jsou to mé první tlapky a musím říct, že je mám jako bačkůrky 🤓.budu je nosit v práci a jelikož pracuji jako školník tak těch kilometrů za den naběhám až moc.mel jsem vyhrezlou ploténkou a doufám že my botky pomohou se zádamy.prvni dojem za mne super. je to úplně něco jiného než jsme zvyklí.jen děti ve škole na ně divně koukají že mám boty jak kachna. Jen tkaničky by mohli být delší mám vysoký nárt.jinak za mne zetim super a zvykám si a zakopávám občas 👍.jinak provedení je moc pěkné.dekuji že se takové botky vůbec na trhu objevili. Super
IC Avatar of author | 06/11/2024
Nice and soft shoes
MK Avatar of author | 31/10/2024
How rare is it to find a shoe that is comfortable right out of the box? I ordered these online, so without even trying it on, it was amazingly relieving to have such a comfortable shoe! Easily the widest shoes I've ever worn so plenty of space for my toes! If you are in doubt, it's worth it!
MK Avatar of author | 29/10/2024
They look nice, they feel nice, they are well build, what can I cay? I normally ware size 45 but from RealFoot so far I have a pair of Farmers and now these Runners and in size 44 they fit perfectly. Problem is that you get so used to the shape that you basically don´t want to wear any other shoes and slowly or rather quickly want to replace them all, but that is costly, especially when you want to replace all socks also. So far I am very happy with all my choices, and I hope that they will last and do not war out too quickly. Now I need some trekking option for mountain paths and still don't know what I am going to do about motorbike boots because that is something RealFoot do not offer.
LR Avatar of author | 28/10/2024
Mezi "teniskami" byly tyhle jasnou a okamžitou volbou. Vzala jsem hned dvoje stejné - jedny ven a jedny do tělocvičny, protože mají bílou podrážku a modrá je skvělá. Mezi všemi internet. obchody mě tenhle dostal bez váhání, sortiment zaujal na první pohled, boty působí přirozeně a sebevědomě. Když budu vybírat příště, ať už pro sebe nebo pro děti, tak určitě tady. Tedy - ukáže-li se, že mé boty drží.
JK Avatar of author | 28/10/2024
Po skvělých zkušenostech s celoročními koženými farmářkami jsem se rozhodl koupit tyhle tenisky, hned jak jsem zmerčil slevy. Do posilovny nejlepší boty, stabilita při dřepech nebo mrtvých tazích subjektivně lepší než ve Skinners 1.0, které jsem nosil dosud (ty tu nohu přece jen trochu omezují do šířky). A podrážka neklouže snad na ničem - lýtka se posilují jedna báseň :)
BD Avatar of author | 01/10/2024
Excellent, also using the enduro insoles for trail runing, it hold the foot tight in the middle and let's your toes dance at the front. Very secure and free feeling when running
ID Avatar of author | 30/09/2024
I just received them, at first glance I was overwhelmed by the difference in looks but not necessarily in a bad way but after wearing them I could feel and understand the work that was put in it, they feel great, the soles feel of top quality and it's almost like being barefoot, I recommend them! Thank you for this great product
VF Avatar of author | 26/09/2024
Super satisfied. Will buy more!
MJ Avatar of author | 24/09/2024
Tengo 6 pares de zapatos minimalistas, 4 de vivo barefoot, uno de saguaro y estos y tengo que decir que quería probar por la forma y ha sido todo un acierto. Zapatillas más que confortables, ligeras, suaves y con muchísimo espacio para los dedos y eso que tengo el pie bastante ancho. Totalmente recomendables.
LJ Avatar of author | 03/09/2024
Naprosto boží boty... Opravdu jako bačkůrky, pohodlí je dokonalé. Jediný nešvar - prakticky u obou bot (u jedné více) mě tlačí švy na vnitřní straně u dírek tkaniček, při delší chůzi to je nepříjmené. Tak nějak doufám, že postupným nošením se tento nešvar utlumí, experimentuji s méně utaženými tkaničkami, atp. Boty jsou to ale neskutečně skvělé, a proto i přes tento neduh dávám pět hvězdiček z pěti... :) Byly by skvělé i půlkové velikosti, konkrétně bych potřeboval 42,5. :)
Avatar of author | 22/08/2024
Skvělé boty!
VS Avatar of author | 11/08/2024
I am very satisfied. Was using them around 2 weeks. Very comfortable, high quality. I love them a lot. Previously I bought Black Runners with size 42 just for morning runs. These are 43 size. I am satisfied and would gladly suggest them to anyone who is interested. Unlucky there is no one between my family and close friends / colleagues who is remotely interested in shoes like this. But in the end it is their choice. Wish you all best of health and luck, with respect and love from Latvia!! ;)
K Avatar of author | 09/08/2024
Great shoes. Make difference. I really enjoy walking in them. The only issue for future - not only to this brand - I'm waiting for one model full leather - also inside. With any super advanced mesh or other breathable fabric my feet (and hole body) just sweat a lot. Need a socks. I'm waiting for something can be wearing without socks😉 Good job!
A Avatar of author | 08/08/2024
Great all-round shoes. This is my second pair of this model, along with the black version. I actually like this color better, purely visually.
Avatar of author | 03/08/2024
Is the second pair of shoes , different model . Both are perfect . Thanx
DL Avatar of author | 30/07/2024
Lehké ,velmi pohodlné !
MH Avatar of author | 17/07/2024
Velká spokojenost.
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A Avatar of author Fantastic for the gym AND outdoors 27/12/2024 19:09
I love my Natural Runners so much. It took me a while to be willing to try them, as at that point I had tried only the Farmer Winter boot and the low Trekker (which isn't a good fit for me -- too much fabric over the instep). The Natural Runners have so much volume that I can even add an extra insole and wear them in the cold, which is terrific. I find them fantastic for lifting at the gym; I'm not one of those people willing to lift in socks, especially right now while it's cold. I now own three pairs of Realfoot, and I don't wear anything else when it's too cold for sandals. Best fit I have ever found in closed shoes. I'm hoping that Realfoot will eventually make a chukka boot -- an ankle boot with just a small tie at the ankle -- and then my shoe wardrobe will be complete (except for dressy women's shoes -- that's another problem I'll have to solve someday).