Farmer Winter Light Brown

Amazingly warm hand-sewn winter barefoot farmers' boots in a new version with shearling. Enjoy total freedom for your toes even in winter conditions.

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€179 –15 % €152
Category: Barefoot shoes
Barva: Hnědá
Model: Farmers Winter

Handcrafted winter barefoot farmer boots with the widest toe box for a completely natural movement. Developed in collaboration with Matyáš Kozma, a leading Czech Natural Movement instructor. Handmade in the European Union.

  • Made of leather
  • New winter insulated lining - shearling!
  • 4 mm outsole - non-slip, very flexible but durable
  • Special insole - optimal combination, the result of 4 years of development. It is flexible but shock absorbing, simulates walking in nature, for example on a forest path
  • Special shape - widest in the toes
  • Impregnate the shoes thoroughly before first use. The shoes are not waterproof, mainly due to the stitching of the sole, but impregnation will help a lot with water resistance.

Upper: Suede leather
Lining: Winter synthetic shearling 100% Polyester
Outsole: Rubber


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T Avatar of author | 05/03/2025
Fantasztikus. Meleg. Kényelmes. Minőségi. Hajrá,csak így tovább.
ZM Avatar of author | 04/03/2025
S topankami som zatial velmi spokojna, su neskutocne pohodlne a lahke, teple. Tiez ma milo prekvapil pristup e-shopu - kupovala som so Slovenska a nastali nejake technicke problemy s platbou, obchod to nasledne vyriesil dodatocnou zlavou a topanky mi expresne rychlo odoslali, na druhy den po odkomunikovani problemu som ich mala doma. Jedine, co im mozem "vycitat", ze sa topanky tazsie nazuvaju, je potrebne vyrazne povolit snurky pri obuvani. To je ale vzhladom na strih pochopitelne a rada im to odpustim 😉
JH Avatar of author | 01/03/2025
Sú krásne veľmi pohodlné material aj spracovanie vyzerajú veľmi dobre teším sa že sú aj šite nie len lepené preto ze mam zlu skúsenosť len s lepeními podrážkami pri bearfoot topánkach. jedině co by som mohol trochu vytknúť sú umelohmotné háčiky a šnurovanie ale spolieham sa na to ze je to pevny a kvalitný plast ktorý sa pri používaní nezlomi
KD Avatar of author | 28/02/2025
GE Avatar of author | 28/02/2025
They are simply perfect! Light, flexible, warm, confortable and beautiful. Worn with toe socks, my feet are feeling great.
AL Avatar of author | 27/02/2025
Tak . Buty są super . Bardzo szerokie . Dlatego jak normalnie brałem buty 43 to tutaj musiałem zmienić na numer 42 i są super i dużo miejsca . Super do chodzenia , fajnie się w nich czuje i ciepłe jak się chodzi .
KP Avatar of author | 26/02/2025
Nemohu hodnotit používání, velikost je oproti jiným výrobcům o dost větší, kvalita vypadá jako velmi dobrá, ale musím je vrátit,
JB Avatar of author | 26/02/2025
Really comfortable! I feel grounded and happy while walking with these shoes.
R Avatar of author | 21/02/2025
jsou velmi pohodlné a teplé. Nevýhoda je že se těžko sundávají a je na to potřeba židle :)
MS Avatar of author | 20/02/2025
These are great! First time ever, even with other barefoot shoes, that my toes don't feel squished!
J Avatar of author | 20/02/2025
Love these shoes, not an exaggeration to say the only brand that fits my foot. Second farmer boot, first was the original winter farmer in black. The brown leather is higher quality and takes a beautiful rich chocolate brown color when treated with a light boot wax. The faux shearling lining is more significant and is present in the entire inside area of boot. It is warmer as well, seems ok to 20 degrees F. The prior boots were not warm, the super thin fleece wasn’t worth much at all and I have gotten mild frost bite on the tips of my toes wearing them. Hopefully with a bit extra insulating shearling and a size bigger (which was definitely the right move for me) for extra sock space, I’m hoping no more issues with cold.
MO Avatar of author | 05/02/2025
Ano, velmi. I velikost podle vašeho návodu měření sedí perfektně.
EB Avatar of author | 03/02/2025
This is my 2nd pair of Farmer boots! I love the fit (full splat) for my very wide feet. Quality is superb.
BS Avatar of author | 23/01/2025
Moje první boty této znacky. Jsou to velmi pohodlné a krásné boty. Skvělé a kvalitní zpracování. Po jednom dni jsem neváhal a koupil si ještě další 2 páry bot od realfoot.
W Avatar of author | 20/01/2025
Amazing shoes
JM Avatar of author | 20/01/2025
Naprosto genialni bota. Netreba vic rikat. Proste kupte a mejte z nich radost na dlouho.
KM Avatar of author | 19/01/2025
Boty přišly přesně takové, jaké jsou vyfoceny na stránkách. Jsou hřejivé, poddajné a dobré na údržbu. Využila jsem návodné měření z těchto stánek a velikost mi hezky sedla. Trochu mě tlačí šev, kterým je část s tkaničkami přišitá ke špičce. Prostor na prsty je opravdu velký i pro širokou nohu.
HJ Avatar of author | 17/01/2025
These are pretty great—wish they were wider throughout the mid foot though.
DC Avatar of author | 15/01/2025
They are a dream. The most comfortable shoes I have ever had in my life. Lightweight, flexible, so much toe room, good quality and warm. I’m in love 😍
RK Avatar of author | 14/01/2025
I own old and new version of Farmer Winter boots. I love both of them. This time I sized up to give space for lambskin insoles or thicker wool socks and it is working great 😎.
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A Avatar of author Great fit and very comfortable 27/12/2024 18:57
These boots have been a lifesaver for me in the chilly, wet Pacific Northwest (USA). I wear them with woolen toe socks and they keep me warm and dry. I oiled the boots with a wax-and-oil combination treatment when I first got them, and I continue to use that after cleanings. So far, the leather has kept water out very well. I am super happy with these boots -- the first to fit me just right -- and I can't wait for Realfoot to make more and more different styles. I now own also the Natural Runner and the City Jungle, and these are the only shoes I wear.
T Avatar of author obložení 30/06/2024 15:02
Dobrý den, Z jakého materiálu je obložení? Děkuji mnohokrát S pozdravem
MH Avatar of author obložení 01/07/2024 17:23
Dobrý den, boty jsou vyrobené z kůže.
DM Avatar of author Grounding 20/09/2023 04:18
Hello. I was wondering if there was a way I could add a copper grounding to the sole?