Winter sale ends 1.4.

Farmer Spring/Fall Black

An all-season version of the popular handmade farmer's boots with a lighter breathable lining. The widest toe space for all-natural movement. Developed together with Matyáš Kozma, the leading Czech instructor of Natural Movement.

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Category: Barefoot shoes

An all-season version of the popular handmade farmer's boots with a lighter breathable lining. The widest toe space for all-natural movement. Developed together with Matyáš Kozma, the leading Czech instructor of Natural Movement.


  • Breathable lining - without a membrane
  • 4mm-high sole – anti-slip, highly flexible, yet resistant
  • Special removable insole – optimal combination, product of 3 years of research. It is flexible, yet capable of absorbing shock, stimulates walking in nature, such as on wooded trails
  • Special shape - widest around the toes.





  • Upper: smooth leather
  • Lining: Breathable lining - without a membrane
  • Sole: rubber



Size chart


How to choose a size?


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DJ Avatar of author | 24/02/2025
Hello, je suis très satisfait de mes chaussures. Elles sont confortables & originales.
OS Avatar of author | 26/01/2025
Botky jsou velmi kvalitní. Perfektně sedí na širokou patu a kotník. Zatím jsem v nich odchodila podzim i zimu s teplou ponožkou. Mám ještě druhé nízké do lesa, taky naprosto luxusní. Realfooty jsou jediné, ve kterých jsem mohla chodit při zánětu šlachy a bolesti ostruhy. Pomoly držet nohu při chůzi ve správném postavení a naposilovat tak ochablé svaly. Na nožkách vypadajío mnoho lépe než na fotkách.
MP Avatar of author | 17/12/2024
Pěkně zpracované, velmi příjemné, lehoučké a chůze je v nich perfektní. Velikostně jsou tak o číslo větší než moje běžná velikost.
TS Avatar of author | 15/12/2024
Jsem v podstatě spokojený. a to jak s kvalitním provedením boty, svršku, materiálu, šněrováním, šířkou na prsty, celkovým designem. Mám jeden podnět a připomínku. Myslím, že vykrojení na malíkové hraně v oblasti střední časti nohy a též užší prostor pro patu je nevýhoda. Dosti zákazníkům se bude zde malíková část nohy dostávat mimo podrážku, což jistě nebal váš záměr. Většina nohou takto tvarována není a typická noha je v této části (malíková hrana u 5. metatarsu) širší. To mohu posoudit jako fyzioterapeut. Myslím, že by bylo vhodnější ponechat v tomto místě plynulý oblouk od malíku k patě, většině nohou by vyhovoval. Zkuste projednat s týmem, který má pod palcem výrobu a design. Chápu, že by šlo o velký zásah do výroby, ale postupně by se to mohlo vyplatit i vám. Odhaduji, že dost zákazníků toto specifikum odradí. Pěknou šířku pro prstce vpředu a jiné kvality tím obuv neztratí.
EK Avatar of author | 12/12/2024
These are my favorite barefoot shoes so far. They are the only ones that don’t squish my pinky toes when I wear correct toes. They’re very squishy soft while also being thin enough for feed back from the ground. Really cool. And the outer leather is soft and supple. The only thing I wish were different (hence the 4/5) is that they were lined with a natural fiber fabric. As far as I can tell, they’re lined with a synthetic fabric and it really deters me from wearing them for long periods of time unfortunately. I’m really sensitive to that kind of thing though so it may not be that important to others. I contemplated stripping it out but I don’t want to wreck the shoe. I hope in the future they’ll make some natural fiber lined ones so I can buy them again! (The wool winter ones look great, just a little toasty for year round wear). Thanks real foot for making a shoe that lets my toes be truly free!
RA Avatar of author | 01/12/2024
The shoes are great quality, but the sizing was incorrect. I also could not return the shoes as I am outside of the EU, in Canada, so something to be aware of. I wasn't stoked on the customer service. But asides from that, the boots seem like they would be great.
GS Avatar of author | 28/11/2024
unfortunately the product was bigger than my number so it seemed very ridiculous. But the shoe it self is very good
CW Avatar of author | 27/11/2024
Love this boot like all my other realfoot shoes (Winter Farmer, City Jungle, Natural Runner 2). This is the onla barefootshoe brand I tested so far, where my toes don't get squeezed. I love all of them. This brand is my favourite.
CM Avatar of author | 21/11/2024
Die Farmer Spring/Fall sind prima! Im Zehenbereich habe ich noch sehr viel Platz, sodass ich auch mit Zehenspreizern ohne Weiteres hinein passe. Besonders gefällt mir, dass das Oberleder so wunderbar weich ist. Die Optik ist natürlich auch klasse 😍
D Avatar of author | 08/11/2024
The boot is light, super flexible and a comfy fit in the ankle. The toe box is large, so much I would potentially go a half size down, but it's still very comfy. The boot is tight at the bottom lace, so it can squeeze your foot a bit. However, the soft leather should shape in time to relax this. It is waterproof and breathable, perfect for the urban walks. I would say 4.5 more than 4. It's an almost perfect light shoe for all weathers.
M Avatar of author | 29/10/2024
I've been wearing them only for few weeks so far, but I can already tell these are the most comfortable shoes I've ever owned. They work well both in the city and on the light mountain trekks and look really good.
JP Avatar of author | 05/10/2024
Excellent quality and extremely comfy. True to size . Not as water resistant as I would like they get wet even when well oiled as in they get wet just walking through morning dew so four outbof five were they water proof I’d say five .
HB Avatar of author | 12/09/2024
Love these boots! Finally shoes that are actually wide enough for my feet! No squished (little) toes. They are very comfy, soft and flexible! Quick delivery too!
B Avatar of author | 10/09/2024
Obviously it takes time to assess the quality of these shoes, but first impressions are very good and I am very happy with them so far - they are very comfortable, well made and arrived speedily. Thank you!
ML Avatar of author | 08/09/2024
Mám je krátce, ale zatím jsem s nimi naprosto spokojen. Uvidíme ještě, jakou mají "životnost"..? 😉
MV Avatar of author | 03/09/2024
Boty jsou perfektní,velice pohodlné a příjemná chůze.Jsem velice spokojen.
IC Avatar of author | 30/08/2024
Jsem velice spokojená
MG Avatar of author | 22/08/2024
These look good, seem well made and are comfy. No problems walking in them. I find the plastic lacing clips at the top a little fiddly, but they may be an acquired taste.
MV Avatar of author | 24/07/2024
Very comfortable and good looking boots. Surprisingly not too hot even in +30 degree weather. Wore for 14 hours straight to a festival with a lot of walking, jumping and dancing and my feet were comfortable at all times. Waterproofness (after protective spray was applied) was tested in the form of spilled beer and g&t, and the shoes passed, easy to clean as well.
MA Avatar of author | 12/07/2024
Finally shoes that respect the form of my feet! The quality seems good, but I didn't wear them for a long time yet
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G Avatar of author awesome autumn 15/10/2024 04:18
I am walking with this boot for the las 7.5 months, about 5 km a day, mostly in forest but also on gravel and a bit of asphalt. tThey are holding far better than expected, super comfortable. It is not totally water proof but defiantly resistance, so far I have been walking in these boots in mud and wet grass with no perceivable wetness other than at the sole, as if water go through the seams. another water entry point is the flaps of the laces where the cover the tongue near the toe, my foot isn't large enough so these flaps ar very lose and don't hold tight against the tongue/ toe box. all in all I am very satisfied but my needs are limited, had I needed a proper boot with proper water resistance I would not recommend this boot, go for the hiker or highlander (I haven't tired them yet) I also walked with them in snow, no problems.
MH Avatar of author awesome autumn 15/10/2024 13:04
Hello, thank you for the feedback, yes the Farmer model is not marked as water proof. We are glad that you are comfortable in them :)
B Avatar of author Waterproof 26/12/2023 15:33
Are they waterproof?
J Avatar of author Show the sole! 20/09/2023 19:02
How can you sell a hiking boot without a photo to shoe what kind of traction you get on the sole? OK, so they're probaby the widest hiking boots in the world, but don't let that make you complacent. Hikers want to know what kind of sole they're going to get.
N Avatar of author Answer to sole... 10/04/2024 06:41 can see the sole profile in one of the photos above.