Winter sale ends 1.4.

Canva High All Black

High-top sneakers in a popular street style that won't squeeze your little toes. Don't let your feet be squeezed anymore and enjoy maximum comfort when wearing these popular fashion shoes. Natural walking is also supported by the non-slip and durable sole.

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€149 –42 % €85
Category: Barefoot shoes

Hand-sewn sneakers with adequate toe room for fully natural movement, suitable for everyday wear.

Developed in collaboration with Matyáš Kozma, a leading Czech Natural Movement instructor.

  • Made of textile - breathable vegan footwear
  • 4mm sole - non-slip, very flexible and durable
  • Special shape - widest toe room


  • Upper: Cotton canvas
  • Lining: Textile
  • Sole: Rubber

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M Avatar of author | 21/03/2025
Boty jsou fajn
BJ Avatar of author | 17/03/2025
Zatím jsem toho v botách moc nenachodil. Na hodnocení je to dost brzo.
SD Avatar of author | 06/03/2025
Excellent pair of shoes! Nice wide toe box, just as advertised. The style of "chucks" but waaay more comfortable. I like them so much I bought three pairs! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
MK Avatar of author | 27/02/2025
Príjemné a pohodlné , tak ako aj ostatné modely
S Avatar of author | 26/02/2025
These are the best shoes I've ever owned. REALFOOT is the only company making proper barefoot shoes that have enough space. I own two pairs of their boots and shoes. I'm impressed with their quality and look. I'll be ordering more in the future.
Z Avatar of author | 12/02/2025
Boty jsou opravdu prostorné pro prsty a hlavně malíčky. Vypadají dobře a kvalitně ušité. Na širší design jsem si zvykla velmi rychle a naopak mi připadají divné úzké boty. :) Musela jsem si je prošlápnout, protože okraj látky na mě byl tvrdý a dřel do míst kde bota končí. Po pár dnech tento problém zmizel, takže boty hodnotím 10 z 10. Odteď už budu asi nosit jen Realfoot spolu s Vibram five fingers. :) Díky za super boty.
TL Avatar of author | 13/12/2024
Moc spokojeni. Jak s botami, tak s ponozkami
DD Avatar of author | 06/12/2024
These shoes are so very comfortable! When I first took them out of the box I thought they would be way to big but that is not the case! The toe box is way bigger than any other of my barefoot shoes but with that said these so far are the most comfortable barefoot shoes on my feet yet! Once you get used to the look of extra wide toe box it's straight ahead! My feet are happy with the design 😃
JB Avatar of author | 05/12/2024
Finally, REAL shoes who respect my body. I cannot wait to get a variety for everything I do.
HH Avatar of author | 03/12/2024
I’ve only used them for a few days so far, but the overall impression is excellent! The toe box is almost absurdly large, larger than on any other barefoot shoe I’ve ever used, but they are really comfy. I’ve used many brands of barefoot shoes and wanted to try something new. Will buy again.
PK Avatar of author | 23/11/2024
I love them! The perfect casual flat shoe.
ŠC Avatar of author | 21/11/2024
Nejlepší boty, které jsem jsem si v poslední době koupil. Sedí úplně přesně, hodně místa na špičku. Koupil jsem i stélku a tak bez obav chodím po městě a dokonce mi v nich není chladno. Budu teď ještě od Realfoot kupovat trekové boty.
VF Avatar of author | 18/11/2024
Toe box is great but the top of the shoe needs a better design as unless I wear long socks it rubs & causes blisters
D Avatar of author | 01/08/2024
never had a shoe that fit my foot until i bought this one. my bigfootfeet were always squeezed into way too tight shoes. I accepted this because there was no alternative. ill never buy another kind of shoe again!
A Avatar of author | 06/07/2024
Sehr gute verarbeitete Schuhe mit toller Passform und viel Zehenfreiheit. Nach dem Natural Runner 2 mein zweites Paar von Realfoot. Die Schuhe sind leicht, mit griffigem Sohlenprofil und sehr flexibel. Die flexible Innensohle aus Kork ist ein Game-Changer und auch auf Asphalt sehr komfortabel im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Barfussschuhen. Das Preis-Leistungsverhältnis finde ich sehr gut. Weiter so!
NA Avatar of author | 05/07/2024
Wonderful very wide frontfit shoes! Leightweight and well made! A Little too big, need to size down.
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Avatar of author Dostupnost 02/05/2024 08:12
Chtěl bych se zeptat, kdy by mi tyto boty přibližně přišly, když si je objednám v předprodeji